I do most of my monotypes by covering a copper plate in ink, then subtracting what I don't want. Then I place some presoaked paper on top of the plate and run it through the a press. A reverse of the image is then transfered to the page. Some times, I'll do a second run to get a 'ghost print' which is just like the original with less ink and often times very surprising results.
Boy in a Box, monotype
Retro, monotype with watercolor, NFS
Elephant Procession in India, monotype, NFS
Unicorn Peak, Tuolumne Meadows, monotype
A Car in Taos, NM, monotype
Window to the Past, Wupataki Indian Ruins, AZ, monotype, NFS
Iraqi, monotype
Lets Celebrate Together, monotype
Dancing Pizza Pie, monotype
Pickled Punk, Baby Bird Version, monotype with watercolors
Inner Worlds, monotype
Untitled, monotype
Skull on Red, monotype with watercolors